Two chapters in SEWRPC Technical Report 41:
1. Development of the Ground-Water Flow Model:
Feinstein, D., Eaton, T., Hart, D., Krohelski, J., and K.R. Bradbury. 2005a.
Regional aquifer model for southeastern Wisconsin; Report 1: Data collection,
conceptual model development, numerical model construction, and model calibration:
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, Technical Report 41. 81
2. Results of the Ground-Water Flow Model:
D., Hart, D., Eaton, T., Krohelski J., and Bradbury, K.. 2005b. Simulation of
regional groundwater flow in southeastern Wisconsin; Report 2: Model results
and interpretation: Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, Technical
Report 41. 63 p.
To download a PDF file of the two reports, go to:
To order printed copies of this publication, you can submit
a request form online or contact the Commission at (262) 547-6721,
The modeling reports are also available on request
in CD format from the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey as: WGNHS
Open-File Report 2004-01 under the title "Simulation of Regional
Ground-Water Flow in Southeastern Wisconsin." Ordering information
can obtained at:
Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
University of Wisconsin-Extension
3817 Mineral Point Road
Madison, Wisconsin 53705-5100
Background Documents:
Other published reports especially pertinent to this website include:
- Cherkauer, D.S., 2004, Quantifying Ground Water Recharge at Multiple Scales
Using PRMS and GIS: Ground Water, Vol. 42, No. 1.
- Eaton, T.T. 2004. Construction of a groundwater flow model in the area of
the Village of Eagle based on refinement of a regional groundwater flow model
for southeastern Wisconsin : administrative report to the Southeastern Wisconsin
Regional Planning Commission, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Open-File Report (number to be assigned), 49 p.
- Feinstein, D.T., Hart, D.J., and Krohelski, J.T., 2004, The
Value of Long-Term Monitoring in the Development of Ground-Water Flow Models :
U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 116-03.
- Neff, B.P. and Killian, J.R., 2003, The
Great Lakes Water Balance: Data Availability and Annotated Bibliography of Selected
References : U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report
- Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, June 2002, Groundwater
Resources of Southeastern Wisconsin: Technical Report No. 37
- Grannemann, N.G., Hunt, R.J., Nicholas, J.R., Reilly, T.E., and Winter, T.C.,
2000, The
Importance of Ground Water in the Great Lakes Region : U.S. Geological Survey
Water-Resources Investigation Report 00-4008.
- Winter, T.C., Harvey, J.W., Franke, O.L., and Alley, W.M., 1999, Ground
Water and Surface Water: A Single Resource : U.S.Geological Survey Circular

ground-water flow model for southeastern Wisconsin, cooperatively developed under
the guidance of the Southeast
Regional Planning Commission and with the participation of many municipalities
in the region, provided insight into the relation between ground water and the
Great Lakes.
The Wisconsin Geological
and Natural History Survey and the U.S.
Geological Survey collaborated on the ground-water model. The scientists
responsible for the project were Daniel T. Feinstein, James T. Krohelski and
James R. Nicholas of the USGS and Kenneth R. Bradbury, Timothy T. Eaton and David
J. Hart of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey.
Note: Various proprietary software packages were used in the preparation of
this website including CorelDraw, SURFER, and the modeling interface GROUNDWATER
VISTAS. Please note: The use of these products does not imply endorsement by
the U.S. Geological Survey.
Dr. Paul Hsieh customized the USGS graphics
program MODEL VIEWER to render some of the 3D figures.
Scientific assistance was provided by:
- Dr. Douglas Cherkauer and students, University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Dr. Douglas Carlson, Louisiana Geological
- David Saad and Cheryl
Buchwald, U.S. Geological Survey
- Bill Batten and Kurt
Zeiler, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Dan Sullivan and Anne
Moser, Webmasters of the
USGS Wisconsin District, provided technical guidance on web-related issues. Jennifer
Bruce developed the new graphical look for the site.
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